Hello Out There!

Haven't been writing much since I've moved to Smith. Several reasons for that: At first I did not have affordable Internet and I was suffering anxiety over certain people being able to view this blog. Then it was just the anxiety. As well, since moving here I have a ton less stress and the depression is not as severe.
I'm just writing this to see if anyone, and I mean ANYONE, is still reading these blogs. Well are you?

My insanity of the past, because some things I wrote and did were definitely insane, is not so much an embarrassment to me as a regret that can never be fixed. Although I have nothing other than forgiveness to those who triggered the worst episode of insanity in my life, thus far, I know many of those that I harmed during those years could/would never be able to forgive me and that is OK.

I guess I have come to accept the fact that I can not be considered trust worthy, because there is so much wrong with this brain of mine and there are times I lose control and do/ say things that are better off being kept inside. That said, there are some who have come to accept me for who I am and are willing to overlook those unacceptable things I have done/said. To those, I am very grateful and feel it is not "fair" to keep hiding for the sake of a few.

So, if anyone would like to read my thoughts and opinions on any subject, please feel free to comment and ask me!

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