The Others

I call them parts, they call themselves "the others". Truthfully, I still have no idea exactly what is going on in this head of mine! I do know that some people think I am lying or just using the whole thing as an excuse to get away with behaviour I wouldn't "normally" (in quotes because there is nothing "normal" about me) do; but, those people are 100% wrong! How I wish things were that simple!

I struggled through many, many traumatic events in my life, some of which I have written about and some which I haven't. The only way I was taught to deal with most of these events is to just "forget them and move on", which for me meant bury them and screw the consequences! The consequences eventually led to my mind separating into different parts to deal with different emotions or thoughts. At least that is my belief.

These parts became more active and distinct after I suffered the hemorrhagic in 2007. There are times now where I am relegated to being an observer in my own body. When that happens I have little to no control over what any part may write or do, all I can do is try to "clean up" any mess or trouble they may have caused after the fact. I do not use this as an excuse for any of my actions or words because obviously some part of me actually thinks that way; but, I do mention it to explain what may appear to be erratic or "nasty" behaviour. However, I totally understand that many people do not understand and a few actually do not believe it. Truthfully, before I became aware of the parts I would have had significant trouble believing this from anyone else, except for a few people I know who have been diagnosed with Dissociative Personality disorder (or Multiple Personality Disorder as it was known as).

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